Creating is resistance
The weight of the world has felt rather heavy the last few weeks. In times like this, it is easy to become paralyzed and silent. When I realized that was happening to me, I knew I needed to make something. An idea that had been floating around in my head suddenly became more clear. Thus the creation of wearing your heart on your sleeve came to fruition.
When I made my first few samples and went to a few people to get feedback, the pun intended wasn't obvious to them. Granted some of the people in my focus group were my kids so it became obvious it wasn't a term they aren't that familiar with. But they sure are now!
More now than ever I think we all should be wearing our hearts on our sleeves. We have to make our feelings and emotions obvious rather than hiding them. Whether that be rage, sadness or love, I think you should express it. Silence creates loneliness and that's the last thing anyone needs.
If you know me, then you know I am an active activist and advocate for the LGBTQ community, social justice and environmental justice. While working at a market recently, someone noticed my pride heart flag sticker on a sign. They were highly offended and said they didn't support that and stormed off in a huff. I was in shock that a heart sticker could be so offensive. In that moment I knew this new product was coming out at the right time. The world needs more open hearts and minds out there. There is space for everyone.
RIDDLE TIME: Which animal is the best at "wearing their heart on their sleeve?" A lion, because they always show their mane emotions! :)
I promised I would always give a laugh, but I didn't say it would be good. ;)